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100 Easy Random Acts of Kindness for Kids

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Performing random acts of kindness as a family is a great way to teach kids compassion, empathy, and kindness to others. So often, we think random acts of kindness have to be big things like leaving a big tip for the waiter or taking a meal to someone else, but they can be as simple as holding the door for someone. Often, the ideas that people have for random acts of kindness involve the parents spending money. I wanted to make a list of 100 Easy Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for Kids that don't require much (if any) money from the parents. Kids can take part in random acts of kindness, too! National Random Acts of Kindness Day is is February 17th here in the United States, but World Random Acts of Kindness Day is November 13th. Of course, we should be performing acts of kindness all year round. Share this list with your kids to give them ideas or perform them as a family. The biggest thing is to do something! (*Don't forget to grab your free printable version of this list at the bottom of this post.)

child\'s hand with a red paper heart in the palm, 100 Easy Random Acts of Kindness for Kids

100 Easy Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for Kids

  1. Tape a few quarters to a candy vending machine with a note that says "This treat's on me!"
  2. Do a sibling's chore without them asking.
  3. Write a friendly note on the sidewalk in chalk to make a passerby smile.
  4. Make cards and put them in your neighbor's mailbox.
  5. Choose a toy to donate to a charity.
  6. Pick up litter.
  7. Write a thank you note to your mail carrier.
  8. Ask for donations instead of birthday gifts.
  9. Read a book to someone younger.
  10. Make a thank you card for your librarian.
  11. Donate coloring books and crayons to the children's hospital.
  12. Make a thank you card for the garbage man and tape it to the top of the trash can.
  13. Leave a penny "heads" side up on a sidewalk.
  14. Tape a bag of microwave popcorn to a DVD rental machine.
  15. Write something encouraging on a sticky note and leave it on a public bathroom mirror.
  16. Go through your toys and donate the ones you don't play with to the children's hospital, family shelter, or someone in need.
  17. Write your grandparents a letter and mail it to them.
  18. Take a treat to the police department with a "Thank you for keeping us safe" note.
  19. Leave one dollar bills in the dollar store (especially in the toy section!)
  20. Hold the door open for the person behind you.
  21. Hand out flowers in front of the grocery store (ask permission from the store manager first!)
  22. Donate a few of your gently used books to your pediatrician's office.
  23. Leave bubbles on a family's doorstep.
  24. Record a video love note and text it to someone.
  25. Go outside when the garbage truck comes and wave your little hearts out. (A toddler favorite!)
  26. Dry the slides at the park after it rains.
  27. Invite a friend over so their parents can go on a date.
  28. Smile. (Smiling is easy and happiness is contagious!)
  29. Take someone's grocery cart back (or, gather up the ones left in the parking lot).
  30. "Doorbell ditch" a homemade treat.
  31. Donate hair to Locks of Love.
  32. Visit a nursing home and make a new friend.
  33. Tell a street performer how amazing he or she is.
  34. Make someone laugh.
  35. Leave coupons next to the item at the store.
  36. Bring in your neighbor's trash cans.
  37. Leave a note that says "Have a happy day" on as many cars as possible.
  38. Give someone a hug.
  39. Write a letter to your sibling telling them why you love them.
  40. Buy a bunch of balloons and hand them out to kids at the park.
  41. Take a treat to the local fire department.
  42. Have a playdate with a friend so their mom can have a break.
  43. Be a friend to someone who needs a friend.
  44. Tell a funny joke to someone.
  45. Leave a quarter in a gumball machine.
  46. Donate stuffed animals to fire/police department for kids that are scared during an emergency.
  47. Take a few decks of cards or another game that can be played in bed and donate them to the children's hospital.
  48. Cover pine cones with peanut butter and birdseed and take care of the birds in your yard.
  49. Compliment a stranger. Tell a lady she's having a great hair day.
  50. Make your sibling a snack.
  51. Clear the dinner table without being asked.
  52. Give outgrown clothing to a smaller friend.
  53. Wave hello to a neighbor.
  54. Bring bubbles to the park. Bring extra and share with the other kids.
  55. Give your mom or dad a foot rub.
  56. Leave a friendly note in a library book.
  57. Make no-sew blankets for Project Linus.
  58. Make cards for deployed soldiers. (Operation Gratitude is a good place to start.)
  59. Pack a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. (Our family's personal favorite!)
  60. Make care kits for the homeless. (toiletries, granola bars, socks, etc.)
  61. Hold a lemonade stand and donate the profits.
  62. Call a loved one just to say "I love you".
  63. Do something nice for your neighbor.
  64. Help box canned goods for the local food pantry.
  65. Design and laminate bookmarks to leave in random books at the library.
  66. Pass out stickers to kids waiting at a restaurant.
  67. Tape change to a parking meter.
  68. Leave a love message on a family member's mirror with a dry erase marker.
  69. Tell mom or dad the nicest thing they have ever done for you.
  70. Write to someone who has made a difference in your life and make sure they know how much you appreciate them.
  71. If you have a garden, share your fresh produce with someone. Become the "veggie bandits".
  72. Pick a child to buy presents for from the Angel Tree at Christmas time.
  73. Let someone go in front of you in line.
  74. Use your allowance to donate to a charity.
  75. Help an elderly person put their groceries in the car.
  76. Leave some pennies on a wishing fountain.
  77. Rake leaves for your neighbors.
  78. Make a family member breakfast in bed.
  79. Color pictures for Color a Smile.
  80. Take supplies to an animal shelter.
  81. Dust for an elderly person.
  82. Thank a veteran for their service.
  83. Shovel snow for your neighbors.
  84. Donate pet supplies to the shelter and go pet some of the animals.
  85. Put money in the Salvation Army bucket.
  86. Bring a snack to your school teacher.
  87. Offer to take the neighbors dog for a walk.
  88. Invite someone who lives alone over for dinner.
  89. Sit with someone at lunch that looks lonely or that doesn’t have very many friends.
  90. Compliment at least 5 people in one day.
  91. Do an extra household chore without being asked.
  92. Decorate some pillowcases and take them to a local children’s hospital.
  93. Say "thank you" when you see service members.
  94. Wash someone's car.
  95. Tell the principal how great your teacher is.
  96. Help make dinner.
  97. Teach someone something new.
  98. Give someone a hug coupon.
  99. Dry the slides at the park after it rains.
  100. Weed your neighbor's flower beds.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ~Aesop

Free Printable:  100 Easy Random Acts of Kindness for Kids (1793 downloads)

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This is simply fantastic