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Christmas 2009

Sharing is caring!

This was the first year that Jonah got excited about the presents and Christmas morning surprises. Seeing him get so excited was probably the best thing of the day for Ray and I. He had asked for a kitchen playset  and a car from Santa (after "Santa" had already gotten something else-go figure). He was so excited to see the kitchen and tool bench playsets that he totally forgot abot the presents under the tree. He played for almost 30 minutes with these two toys before he unwrapped anything else! Needless to say, he really liked his gifts!
Finally, he opened the wrapped presents...
The toolbench playset had all sorts of fun tools. Jonah's favorite part though....the safety goggles. He put on his "mask" and didn't take it off for a long time that day...
Jonah wore his mask in the car on our way to visit some family...
He didn't want to take off his "mask" for pictures with Granny....
Finally, after a little coaxing, the mask came off...
But it didn't stay off for very long before he wanted it back on...
It was a great day!

Sharing is caring!


Friday 8th of January 2010

That is too funny!! My 4 yr old did that with swim goggles once-she got them for a bday present and left them on while she unwrapped all the other presents-makes for fun pictures and memories!! Happy New Year!