We played with choo-choos...

Jonah got his first "tat"...

We talked to the conductor...

Jonah had a great time! We were impressed with how much there was to do! The train station really went all out for the Thomas Day. We let Jonah walk more than normal and he enjoyed the freedom. He's becoming such a big boy and likes to hold mommy and daddy's hands and walk beside us. He loved riding the train and seemed to soak in every single sight. We must have worn him out because he slept really well! Choo! Choo!
Thursday 30th of April 2009
What great photos!!! He is getting so big!
We had so much fun the other night! Thank you for having us over (oh, and feeding us)**hugs**
Wednesday 29th of April 2009
Wow, that looks like a lot of fun. We'll try to go this weekend and see if we can without a ticket. I'm glad Jonah has fun!!