Remember yesterday when I told you about my freezer cooking prep for hamburger? Well, I do the same thing for chicken. When I see chicken on sale, I snatch up enough to last a while. There are two different ways I have prepped my chicken in the past.
- Stick it in a crockpot (this works great if it is frozen). At the end of your busy day, you'll be able to shred the chicken without much effort.
- Boil the chicken. While the chicken is boiling, I prepped other things for the freezer.
When the chicken is fully cooked...
- Cut or shred the chicken.
- Divide the chicken into meal size portions.
- Write the date on the bag.
- Lay flat in the freezer.
- When you are ready to pull the chicken out for a meal, stick it in the refrigerator to thaw. You can also stick it in the microwave for a minute or so.
Meal Ideas Using Chicken:
- Chicken Casserole
- Chicken Salad
- Pulled BBQ Chicken
- BBQ Chicken Pizza
- Chicken Noodle Soup
- Chicken Pot Pie
- Chicken Tacos
- and lots more!
Thanks to a few hours in my kitchen I now have...
-16 bags of cooked hamburger and chicken (This should get me through the month)
-An entire box of waffle mix made into TONS of waffles for breakfast (Jonah's favorite)
-4 batches of mini muffins
-Big pot of chili for dinner and leftover chili to be frozen
**All that and I was still cleaned up, fed Jonah lunch and was ready to play cars with my little man by noon!!!
So I'm curious, do you do any Freezer Cooking Prep? Please share your secrets!

Friday 22nd of January 2010
You can plop your whole frozen chicken in the crockpot and cover with water. Cook it for the day. You will end up with lots of shredded chicken and lots of chicken stock to freeze and use. I freeze the broth (after cooling and skimming) in 1 cup portions.
Tuesday 12th of January 2010
It's been awhile since I've been on your blog. Wow you're like a professional!! I have been doing the same thing. Sometimes I go ahead and put my seasoning in with the meats like for tacos, fajitas, BBQ, etc. And I make casseroles too and freeze when I'm cooking all that meat. The kitchen is dirty, so why not. Slightly off topic... I freeze bread, and my bread tastes the same when it thaws.