As Ray and I went on our Valentine's Date Night, we were reminded of how much has changed since we had Jonah. Isn't it amazing that this sweet little person can bring about so much change to our lives? Each new stage Jonah enters brings even more changes. While this list is not complete, here are a few things that have changed in my life. Feel free to add your own in the comments section!

Before I was a mother... I never had a parking lot in my living room floor.
Before I was a mother... I never held someone else down to have a medical procedure.
Before I was a mother... I never picked anyone else's nose and wiped it on my own clothing when I didn't have a tissue.
Before I was a mother...I never gave someone food off my plate.
Before I was a mother...I never found long forgotten sippy cups with a curdled milk surprise waiting for me.
Before I was a mother...I only wiped my own bottom.
Before I was a mother...I never rewarded someone for using the bathroom.
Before I was a mother...I looked at a screaming toddler in the grocery store and rolled my eyes. Now I'm the one getting the dirty looks.
Before I was a shoulders were stain-free.
Before I was a mother...I slept through night consistently and slept in late on Saturday.
Before I was a mother...I never carried a toy in my purse...just in case.
Before I was a mother...I never decorated cupcakes until my hands were numb.
Before I was a mother...I never knew the names of the characters of every cartoon.
Before I was a mother...I never fed someone else while my own stomach growled.
Before I was a mother...I showered in privacy.
Before I was a mother...I never ignored someone rolling on the floor kicking and screaming.
Before I was a mother...I used the bathroom without an audience asking questions.
Before I was a mother...I was out past 8:00 P.M. without consequences.
Before I was a mother...I could listen to whatever I wanted on the radio.
Before I was a mother...I never walked through an obstacle course on my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
Before I was a mother...I did less laundry.
Before I was a mother...I thought it was ok to kiss a boo-boo.
Before I was a mother...I didn't worry about someone so much in the middle of the night that I had to go check on them.
Before I was a mother...I remembered things.
Before I was a DVR wasn't full of Backyardigans episodes.
Before I was a mother...I didn't know a mother's pride when her child shows compassion to a friend.
Before I was a mother...I didn't wait in anticipation to hear someone say "I love you" or call me my favorite title.
Before I was a mother...I didn't meet my daily quota for hugs and kisses.
A Mama Entreprenuer and One Last Giveaway | Domestic by Design
Friday 8th of October 2010
[...] in and be carefree. It seems like such a simple thing, but I crave time alone to recharge…and use the restroom without an audience. God has placed some wonderful mentors in my life. Women who are real [...]
Saturday 24th of April 2010
so very true...all the things we never knew, huh? thanks for stopping by! :)
Friday 26th of February 2010
This is a wonderfully true post! Thanks so much for sharing!
Monday 22nd of February 2010
Before I was a mother, I never understood why people thought their kids were sooooo adorable, sooooo smart and soooo funny. Now I get it.
Susie from Bienvenue
Thursday 18th of February 2010
It's so funny how being a Mom can change us so much. Enjoy ever second cause it flys by so fast`((hugs)) Susie~