Ok, ok, so technically that would still make me 34 weeks, but I'm closer to the 35 week mark than 34....every little bit helps keep me going at this point!
I'm {almost} 35 weeks (like in 2 days). Like most women, I feel huge at this point...

This one has me singing "I like big butts and I cannot lie"...totally inappropriate, but forever burned in my memory thanks to Sir Mix Alot and the middle school dance DJ.
but I'm not letting that stop me from having fun with my family...

Shhh...don't tell my midwife!
We've been trying to pack in the fun and spend some quality time together before little brother arrives. I'm trying to fill Jonah's "love tank" before the baby comes and I have my hands full with a newborn. While Jonah is beyond excited about a baby, I don't want him to feel left out in any way.
We've had an ultrasound to check on little brother's size and position (since Jonah was breech) and everything looks good. He's measuring around 5 lbs 4 oz (give or take) and is head-down (unlike Jonah). I'm assuming, that since he's head-down, that is the cause of all the extra pressure I'm feeling. It wasn't something I really experienced with Jonah since he was breech and always pushing his head under my ribs. While I know you can't predict when labor will begin, I'm thinking I might not make it to "full term" based on when Jonah came (37 weeks)....or maybe that's just wishful thinking due to all the pressure?
I have had some contractions on and off already (No, they weren't after going down the slide!) There was one day where they were consistently coming and I slightly panicked thinking that I might be going into early labor. As excited and anxious as we are to hold little brother, we want him to stay put as long as he should to be healthy and strong. The contractions did encourage us to put the carseat in the van. The pack-n-play has been set up by the bed for a few weeks and the baby clothes have been washed and hanging in the closet for months. Other than that, I have a list of things to do to prepare. But really, if I don't get to my list, it isn't a big deal...the major things are ready, except for my hospital bag....hmmm, better work on that.
Kara @ The Chuppies
Tuesday 2nd of August 2011
So so happy for you!!! The photo sliding made me :)
Kara @ The Chuppies
Tuesday 2nd of August 2011
Side note--our Lydi--#5 for us was born at 37 weeks...makes it sound pretty close--doesn't it? :)
Sunday 31st of July 2011
That Sir-Mix-a-Lot comment made me think of the episode of Friends when Rachel is singing that song to Emma! Ha ha!
martha brady
Saturday 30th of July 2011
i'm sure you're aware that the contractions start earlier for 2nd and later deliveries. the nice thing about it is that you get to be more dilated/effaced b/f going into labor. all good things when it comes to your labor:) hopefully, you will have a nice normal labor this time after all that nausea (understatement:)
Eileen Jenningse
Saturday 30th of July 2011
This is really exciting. And you would not bore me with your news, this is a time of blessings and a time to share them. God bless you and yours. Mrs. J.
Friday 29th of July 2011
You look great! So happy for all of you!