Before I was a mother…
As Ray and I went on our Valentine's Date Night, we were reminded of how much has changed since we had Jonah. Isn't it amazing that this sweet little person …
As Ray and I went on our Valentine's Date Night, we were reminded of how much has changed since we had Jonah. Isn't it amazing that this sweet little person …
We've finally gotten a real snow...not just a dusting We ended up with several inches. Perfect for sledding, snowball fights, snowmen, and snow angels. Only Jonah doesn't like snow angels …
Last night was Jonah's first night in his toddler bed. He's getting so big! He was so excited to get into his big boy bed by himself that he did not … clean up after yourself. Jonah made a mess at breakfast. I gave him the dustbuster and let him go to town. He found all sorts of things to vacuum. …
Remember yesterday when I told you about my freezer cooking prep for hamburger? Well, I do the same thing for chicken. When I see chicken on sale, I snatch up …
When I teach classes on my "Crazy Couponing", I am often asked how I save money on meat. Simple: I buy meat when it is the lowest price available...and I …
Here in the Southeast corner of Tennessee we don't get snow very often. When we do get snow, it usually isn't very much...which is why we enjoy every little dusting …
This New York Cheesecake recipe is hands down my husband's favorite thing I make. He requests it for his birthday every single year. The first time I had this cheesecake …
This was the first year that Jonah got excited about the presents and Christmas morning surprises. Seeing him get so excited was probably the best thing of the day for …
it's a "picnic-in-the-living-room-floor-while-watching-cartoons" kind of day.