Ever since I painted the bathroom this summer, Jonah has been asking to paint. For some reason, I had been avoiding it with him. Weird. Yes. Especially since I taught in a paint-friendly kindergarten. I finally decided it was time to quit avoiding paint and make our own Sidewalk Chalk Paint! It's very easy to make basically corn starch, water, and food coloring. The kids were fascinated with mixing the ingredients and loved getting to help. Three great thing about the Sidewalk Chalk Paint is that it is non-toxic, cheap, and washable! The Sidewalk Chalk Paint kept Jonah and Little Miss A busy for longer than most activities.

Want to make your own Sidewalk Chalk Paint?
Mix well equal parts Corn Starch and Water (I did a few tablespoons of each, but needed more water in the end so the kids could spread the paint easily)
Add a drop of food coloring

Cost: Super Cheap!
Corn Starch- I can't remember how much I paid. You only need a few tablespoons.
Food Coloring: $1 at the Dollar Tree around Easter
Happy Painting!
Posted to NurtureStore's Play Academy Linky Party
10 Ideas for Frugal Summer Fun
Monday 3rd of November 2014
[…] homemade Sidewalk Chalk Paint for the kids to decorate the sidewalk, porch, and anything else they can get their hands on! […]
B is for Bugs {Printable} | Happy Brown House
Thursday 26th of July 2012
[...] We’ve stopped to watch a parade of ants and then watched them problem-solve when the sidewalk chalk paint interrupted their procession…And don’t even get me started about the war the Mr. has [...]
Wednesday 8th of September 2010
Great idea..thanks. Little Miss reminds me of my youngest. I can't see her face, but just seeing her sitting there and the dark hair I instantly thought of my K.
Wednesday 1st of September 2010
(Thank you for stopping by!! See you again next week? ;0) )
Wednesday 1st of September 2010
Love that the kids can help mix the paint! Great post!
Would love for you to take part over at Kids Get Crafty every Wednesday... this week's link is here: http://www.redtedart.com/?page_id=3858
Hope to "see" you over at Red Ted Art soon!
MaggyRed Ted Art