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Teach Your Kids To Cook Real Food! (Free Mini-Class)

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If you've been around here for a while, or even a few days with all of my talk about teaching kids to clean and chore cards, then you're probably not surprised that I'm going to tell you that your kids can cook, too.

As my oldest son has gotten older (he's 8 now), I have started to realize how quickly the next few years are going to go. I think that's why I've kicked it into high gear with teaching my kids to clean, and now, teaching my kids to cook. Teaching my sons to cook has some long-term benefits, like not eating ramen noodles in college, but there are ways teaching my kids to cook can benefit me now.

Teaching my sons to cook means that when I need help prepping dinner or I'm unable to be in the kitchen for whatever reason, I can let them take over in the kitchen. In fact, my oldest son is certainly old enough to help make dinner for the family once he understands the basics of cooking.

You're probably thinking, "I know it's time, but where do I start?"

Kids Cook Real Food eCourse

I can't tell you how excited I was when I received the email from Katie announcing that she was releasing a whole eCourse on teaching kids to cook! What’s more, she was giving us advanced access to several videos to see what we thought.

The first videos we previewed were the knife skills videos. (You can sign up to see those, too for FREE!) Jonah was excited to, literally, get his hands on a knife and try out the skills. While that initially put fear in my heart, Katie's instructions were clear, concise, and removed any fear I had about letting Jonah handle a knife.

Of course, you know what happened when big brother got to cut with a knife, right? Yep, Asher (4 years old) and nicknamed "Mr. Independent" wanted a turn, too.

Lucky for us, Katie has developed a program with THREE module levels. Our kids fall into the basic 3 categories, so we can all enjoy the cooking class.
  1. Beginner (ages 2-5)
  2. Intermediate (ages 6-7)
  3. Advanced (ages 8+)

I love that this course makes it so easy for me to teach my kids to cook. I’m still in the kitchen working with them, but Katie does a great job guiding us through the process. She includes in the course:

  • Over 45 training videos (8 weeks of lessons)
  • 2 kid-friendly, real-food, recipe books
  • 250+ pages of PDF materials
  • Printable flashcards to remind your kids of concepts they’ve learned
  • Lifetime access to all of the materials

And Katie has kept the course super affordable for family’s on a budget. For $29.95, you can purchase a single level of the course. But for those of you with kids of different age levels or you want a course that grows with your children, I’d highly encourage you to grab the all-access pass for $59.95. This pass includes all 3 learning levels.

I can't even buy a year's worth of homeschool cooking classes for that price!

Registration Closes Soon!

Registration for the class will only be open for another day (closes on the 18th). If you’re interested, be sure to check it out now!

Kids Cook Real Food eCourse

Sharing is caring!


Monday 25th of January 2016

Sara, you're AWESOME!!!

Sara McClure

Thursday 28th of January 2016

Thank you Kellyann! I've had a bit of a rough day behind the scenes with comments, so yours makes me smile.