Everyone should know how to make a volcano with kids! This DIY volcano is at the top of the list of easy science experiments for kids. Little ones are fascinated by the fizzy baking soda and vinegar volcano "lava" and can't wait to do the activity over and over again.

There are a lot of ways you can make a volcano with kids, but for this version, you will need some sort of container to hold the ingredients and then you will also need something to help build up the volcano shape around the container.
Playdough works wonderfully for this, but there are many other options that take even less prep than the instructions we are sharing here.
You can even skip the playdough all together and just use the cup to see the fizzy baking soda and vinegar reaction overflow.
I'm telling you, it doesn't get much easier than this!
Volcano Experiment Ingredients
- small disposable paper cup
- playdough
- baking soda
- vinegar
- red food coloring
How to Make a Homemade Volcano
There are lots of ways you can make a homemade baking soda and vinegar volcano, but I have found it easiest to have a small container you can place the baking soda in.
I cut a small disposable paper cup in half, about 2 inches from the bottom to hold the baking soda.
Note:If you have a recycled mini ice cream cup leftover from a party, that would work great!

Next we used some old playdough that was starting to dry out to make a base for the volcano. My son placed the bottom part of the cup on top of a ball of playdough to form the base.

Then, my son used more playdough to build up around the base and make it look more like a volcano shape.

Once the volcano is ready, take it outside. Pour a little baking soda into the top of the volcano.

Pour vinegar in a cup.

Add a drop or two of red food coloring.

Pour the red vinegar into the top of the volcano and watch what happens!

My son loved this! He has worked with baking soda and vinegar before, but he didn't remember how the two react to each other. He was excited because he was allowed to do all the steps by himself and took ownership of his learning. He wanted to see the fizzing volcano more than once, which led to an afternoon of giggles.
Volcano Books for Kids
Pair this easy science experiment for kids with these volcano books for kids to help them learn about real volcanoes.
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