Just a quick heads up that I'm posting over at Totally Tots today about Ponds and some fun summer activities for your little one! Jonah and I have been having …
Just a quick heads up that I'm posting over at Totally Tots today about Ponds and some fun summer activities for your little one! Jonah and I have been having …
We had our Homestudy visit today. It went well. During the visit, our caseworker wanted to talk to Jonah and ask some questions about his thoughts on the adoption...she got …
There's just something about being a cousin...a connection. Even if you're not together often, you pick up right where you left off. Your hearts share a language. No one has …
Let's see just how random I can be today... ~I posted at The MOB Society today On Protecting Family Time and Priorities. I went out on a limb and posted …
Over Memorial Day weekend we took Jonah to his first "official" ballgame! We're lucky to have a Minor League team in Chattanooga, which is great for summer fun! We chose …
My niece's birthday was last weekend. She's a huge fan of Jesse from Toy Story and I was inspired to make her an outfit. Since I don't have a girl …
Jonah and I have been having some knight adventures! He's taken an interest into castles and knights after reading the book In the Castle by Anna Milbourne. As an extension …
We are blessed to live in an area that has tons of great parks. The problem is that we tend to frequent the same park because it is conveniently located …
I've got a new post up at Pennies and Blessings sharing how we brightened up our porch and someone's day with painted flower pots. Be sure to take a look …
I had been starting to feel better...thought I had turned a corner with the Hyperemesis. The home health nurse that calls for daily updates on my weight and ketones got …