My Miscarriage Story {Part 1}
Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak whispers the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break. ~William Shakespeare It's been so long since I've entered this online space. I …
Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak whispers the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break. ~William Shakespeare It's been so long since I've entered this online space. I …
When I was a little girl, the days before Christmas were full of crafts and baking projects. Now that I'm a mom, I'm trying to make the same memories with …
We've been walking this Failure to Thrive journey for five months now. Let me tell you, it's not very fun. What started out as shock and denial that there could …
While I try to set up frugal fine motor skills activities from common household items as often as I can, there are times that we purchase items, receive them as …
Ultimately, the goal of developing fine motors skills is for children to be able to function in everyday tasks. One of the natural next steps after strengthening little fingers is …
To you it may look like just another utensil drawer, but your house is full of tools to develop your child's fine motor skills. Kids love to use these tools …
Twisting items is a tricky little skill that we depend upon most often when opening containers. It is a life skill, really~you have to be able to open the milk …
Lacing is a classic fine motor activity for preschoolers. Manipulating the string in and out of the holes takes a lot of effort for little fingers. It strengthens dexterity, hand-eye …
Pinching items and picking them up requires children to use their pincer grasp. It's one of the first fine motor skills your child really develops as a baby, mainly to …
Raise your hand if the thought of giving your child scissors makes you cringe! Scissors and little hands make a lot of people included. The first few times Jonah …