Focus on Fine Motor Skills~Tearing
As soon as Asher could crawl, he found my magazine basket; he would make a beeline for it every chance he got. Those crinkly pages were just too tempting to …
As soon as Asher could crawl, he found my magazine basket; he would make a beeline for it every chance he got. Those crinkly pages were just too tempting to …
Whether you love it or cringe at the thought of cleaning it up, there's no denying playdough and fine motor skills go hand in hand. Poking, squishing, and rolling "snakes" …
I'll never forget my first day of teaching kindergarten in an inner-city school with struggling students, half of whom didn't speak English when they walked in my classroom. As I …
Using the book If You're A Monster And You Know It as our starting point, we played a Roll-A-Monster to review body parts and build our own silly monsters. It's …
Using some of our old magazines, we went on a letter hunt the first week of homeschool. Since Jonah still really needs more practice cutting, I helped cut some of …
I can't count how many people have told me that I've got an advantage to choosing curriculum since I was a kindergarten teacher before coming home to be with the …
Our life has been full of creepy, crawly bugs lately. We've watched caterpillars grow and change into butterflies. We've stopped to watch a parade of ants and then watched them …
I love Fridays and sharing a glimpse of our week through my iphone photos. Absolutely love's like scrapbooking for lazy girls. In light of Asher's "Failure to Thrive" scare, …
In my last post, I shared about Preschool Hammer Practice using common household items. Today, we're going to extend the activity by adding some letter sound practice! Prep your materials: …
One of Jonah's favorite things to do is practice using a hammer...preschool style. If we're working in the basement, he often asks for this activity to work alongside of us. …