I headed to the 2:1 conference last weekend after finding out that someone anonymously sponsored my ticket. Talk about humbled! I mean, really humbled considering that my blogging has been …
I headed to the 2:1 conference last weekend after finding out that someone anonymously sponsored my ticket. Talk about humbled! I mean, really humbled considering that my blogging has been …
When I was a little girl, I would take a big, deep breath and sink to the bottom of the pool. I wondered just how long I could last before …
"Asher, you're my best friend." It's happening. Slowly, but surely these boys are becoming brothers. Melts. my. heart.
I got to hold a newborn baby this week. I know, I know, I have a baby of my own, but still...newborns make me weak in the knees. My sweet …
After this week's post about Special Time & Living Fully, I made sure I really lived! I soaked up time with my boys this week. We headed to the Library …
Last weekend I strapped Asher in his carseat and drove with some friends to the Teach Them Diligently Convention. Only, it wasn't that easy, because homeboy hates his carseat like …
Since Asher came six months ago, Jonah has needed some extra doses of special time with Mommy and Daddy. While he truly loves Asher, the process of becoming brothers has …
"College cheese is on sale, Mom." (AKA: Cottage Cheese) "Look, Mom, it's 11:25!" (Lucky guess. He adds "20" in front of all the numbers on a clock.) "I'm on safari!" …
One of my favorite tools I used in my Kindergarten classroom were plastic Letter Tiles. Beginning readers love to manipulate letters and practice phonics with hands-on activities. Now that Jonah is …
Asher is 6 months old today. SIX whole months. Um, THAT is half a year. How is that even possible? I mean, on the one hand, it feels like he's …