Mommy & Me: Portable Puppet Theater
Jonah and I have had some puppet fun this week! I got tired of our fancy puppet theater that kept coming apart and made up a portable, easily stored Puppet …
Jonah and I have had some puppet fun this week! I got tired of our fancy puppet theater that kept coming apart and made up a portable, easily stored Puppet …
Spring is the perfect time to talk about eggs and oviparous animals! What's that you say? Ovipa-what?!? Vocabulary word for the day: Oviparous, which means egg-laying. In full disclosure, I …
Dear Grandparents and extended family...this post is for you! So, we've hit a stage where Jonah makes a weird face and doesn't want to cooperate in front of the camera....I'm …
I know the pain of fertility struggles. While we had no trouble becoming pregnant the first time, the second didn't come easily. It took almost three years. While that may …
photo credit: OscarandOllie via Etsy BOY!!! Jonah is pretty excited about his little brother! (And we are in awe that he called it.) Yay for hand-me-downs!
Today, right before lunchtime, I'll be in a darkened room with Ray and Jonah getting another glimpse at our little one growing within. Hopefully, the little one will cooperate and …
The Tale of Three Trees: A Traditional Folktale This is by far one of my favorite books! For three little trees who dream of what they will be someday - …
Not all of my Mommy & Me Activities are handmade. And most of the time, they are not even made by me. I'll often print something I find and adapt …
I took a stroll around our little yard today. I took in some fresh-squeezed vitamin D, straight from the sun and I breathed fresh Tennessee air. Each breath I took …
Over the past week, I've been reminded to choose love and grace. And it's becoming a mantra for me as I struggle to choose the unnatural, "Choose love. Choose grace. …